What a wonderful time we had on July 12 for our Bastille Day party!

MERCI to Micheline who prepared all the scrumptious food and offered such a lovely setting around her backyard pool – even the weather was perfect!  Hospitality Chairwoman, Nancy creatively decorated the tables and fences with festive dish towels from different French regions and fresh flowers in vases.  Sabina also helped with bringing out the 3 courses of foods which were beautifully arranged on the buffet table.

Upon arrival, the guests were given a nametag on their back and everyone graciously participated in the game of “Which Famous French Person am I?” About 12 people played a competitive game of Pétanque, a couple of people enjoyed swimming in the pool, and the French music inspired our two ballroom dancers to a Parisian swing and everyone ate, and ate and ate, sipped wine and enjoyed a delightful afternoon together.

J’ai eu l’honneur d’assister à un diner Provençal chez Mme Rogers (et son mari) avec ses étudiants de French 1 et French for Fluency pour marquer la fin des cours de  l’année. Avec son repas délicieux, ses décorations de table très provençales, ses histoires intéressantes sur les chants des grillons et les traditions françaises, la musique d’ambiance…  elle nous a transportés en Provence – on pouvait se croire en Provence sentir le parfum de la lavande et les rayons de soleil du midi sur le visage !

Les Desserts!

Les Desserts!

Pendant le dessert, il y a eu une petite cérémonie de remise de diplômes.

Bravo à tous ses étudiants ! Et Bravo à Mme Rogers d’avoir donné une soirée magnifique à ses étudiants !

Go to our French Classes page and sign up now for Mme Rogers’ Monday night French 2 and French for Fluency classes. Classes start the week of August 31.

To see more photos from the evening – click on the PHOTO GALLERY below.