The Alliance Française “Cocktail de Rentrée” was celebrated on Friday evening, September 22nd at the lovely home of John Lamb and Lawrence Tuchman. Appetizers, prepared by the Board Members, and drinks concocted by John were enjoyed by all.
Remembering Brian as a teacher, poet, artist and former Board member of AFNWCT.
I think of floating up to heaven as the flight . . .
from nature’s touch into the vastness of space,
from breath into celestial wind,
from the earthly rhythms into ethereal color,
from all the senses
into boundless imagination.
There bodiless, soaring without limit,
seeing the invisible, believing the impossible,
knowing fully, loving all.
There, beyond all darkness,
beyond all fear,
I am reborn
as one infinite, eternal, simple soul.
Brian Lindsay Denyer, 2015
By request of Marcy Jackson
Marda Gutierrez, president-elect represented the Alliance Francaise of Northwestern CT at the 1st annual Volunteer Fair held on the Southbury Green and sponsored by the Town of Southbury. While live music played, people visited the more than 30 non-profit organizations of the area. Friends and members stopped at our table to say hello and/or to learn more about us. Several expressed an interest in volunteering at our new AF center, more than 18 people signed up to receive notices about our organization and one new member joined as a result!