Together, reading aloud and discussing the text, this group meets twice a month on Saturdays (replacing Cafe Conversation). This summer’s novel will be:
Le Chapeau de Mitterrand by Antoine Laurain
Daniel Mercier dîne seul dans une fameuse brasserie parisienne quand – il n‘en croit pas ses yeux – un illustre convive s’installe à la table voisine: François Mitterrand. Son repas achevé, le Président oublie son chapeau, que Daniel décide de s’approprier en souvenir. Tel un talisman, le feutre noir ne tarde pas à transformer sa vie. Daniel aurait-il percé le mystère du pouvoir supreme? Hélas, il perd à son tour le précieux couvre-chef qui poursuit de tête en tête sa promenade savoureuse, boulversant le destin de personnages pittoresques et brossant, sous la forme d’une fable, un tableau de la France des années quatre-vingt
And what a beautiful setting for reading French literature!
There is a parking lot near the Center’s entrance. One can park there and follow a short path to the Red Barn. Those who find walking difficult will be transported to the site by car.The group’s meeting location is in the Red Barn located at the Audubon Center Bent of the River, 185 East Flat Hill Road, Southbury, CT 06488 Audubon tel: 203-264-5098. (See Google map below.)
Next Saturday Summer Meeting Dates: July 2 and 16; August 6 and 20.
This book is available on Amazon – be sure to log on and shop at smile.amazon.com and select the Alliance Francaise of Northwestern Connecticut as your charity of choice to receive .5% of all eligible purchases.
If you prefer, Chairperson, Kathryn MacCullough, will be ordering from the Yale University Book Store the French version for $10.95
Please send an email to Kathryn at matinee@afnwct.org to be added to the participation list and/or to order a copy of the book. Checks made payable to AFNWCT may be mailed to our Southbury AF Center: 1 Pomperaug Office Park, Suite 301, Southbury, CT 06488 by May 7.
This event is free to AFNWCT members and has a suggested donation of $5 for non-members.
Other questions can be directed to Kathryn at matinee@afnwct.org