New French Discussion Group to start at the Gunn Memorial Library in Washington
Starting Monday, February 8, the Gunn Memorial Library will host a new French Discussion Group meeting from 1:00 – 2:30 pm on the 2nd and 4th Monday during the months of February, March and April. Whether you are just learning French or are an advanced speaker, you are welcome to join*. A short article in French about a particular subject, cultural tradition or newsworthy event will be shared to initiate an informal conversation. This is not a French class, rather the emphasis will be on participants having an opportunity to offer their opinion, ask questions for better understanding and/or exchange ideas in French.
The group leader will be Marda Gutierrez who received her B.A. in Education from Albion College, MI and lived in France for 5 years. She currently teaches the “French Grammar & Verbs” course, “Jouons Ensemble,” a Parent-Child beginner’s class and assists with Southbury’s Wednesday French discussion group. She has achieved the CECR tested levels of proficiency of C1 Oral Expression and C2 Oral Comprehension. While living in MA, she created, developed the curriculum and directed AVANTAGE, a language school teaching French to both children and adults.
*Advance registration is kindly requested directly through the Gunn Memorial Library. Please send an email to Program Director, Margaret Ferguson at or call 860-868-7586 to register.