Conversational French for Travelers
Conversational French for Travelers
Conversational French for Travelers
On Sunday, November 5 at 2 pm, Jean-Daniel Cloutier will present an overview of the Middle East. The presentation, in French, will offer an overview of societal challenges and of the ongoing civil societal efforts to bridge current divides. He will be available afterwards to answer questions (in English). This program is free. Because there […]
Every 2nd Thursday of each month, we have a French Discussion Group led by Marcel Gros, a French native. Previous discussion topics have covered: Le Cidres, les Cadenas d'amour, le Roquefort, le Beaujolais Nouveau, etc. The next meeting will be on Thursday, November 9th @6pm. The subjects will be: (1) Les Ambiguities du Français; and (2) […]
The Thursday evening Parlons Français Back to Basics meets tonight at the Brookfield Library. Designed for those who have studied French in the past and just want a refresher. Led by Colin Harrison, students use the textbook “Ultimate French – Beginner-Intermediate”. We meet in one of the corners upstairs in the Main Library area. Please […]
Conversational French for Travelers
On Sunday, November 12th @ 2pm, Jini Jones Vail, author of “Rochambeau: Washington’s Ideal Lieutenant", will be doing a presentation in English on her new book (still in edit) “Summering in the Loire Valley”. Jini invites you for a private tour of the Chateau du Marechal de Rochambeau, with an unexpected slant. Rusty Dyer, filmmaker, […]
Conversational French for Travelers
Café Conversation is a great way to practice, improve and/or help you feel more comfortable speaking French with friendly francophones and francophiles who enjoy speaking French in an informal setting. The group meets two Saturdays a month from 10:30 to 12:30 (be sure to check this calendar often). Have a cup of coffee and meet/greet […]
The Thursday evening Parlons Français Back to Basics meets tonight at the Brookfield Library. Designed for those who have studied French in the past and just want a refresher. Led by Colin Harrison, students use the textbook “Ultimate French – Beginner-Intermediate”. We meet in one of the corners upstairs in the Main Library area. Please […]
Conversational French for Travelers