
Celebration of “Les Rois”, Epiphany or Kings’ Day. Traditionally a “galette” is served, accompanied by sparkling wine or cider. A token is hidden in the galette. The lucky winner of the token is King or Queen for the day.
This will take place at the Alliance Center, 1 Pomperaug Office Park, suite 301 in Southbury.
Saturday, January 7 from 3 to 5 pm
Cost is $5 payable at the door.
Attendance limited to 24, please reserve by January 4.

Join us for our annual fete des crepes at the home of Fran and Jodie Hellman on February 9th in Southbury.

There will be a charge of $10 per person.

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Attendee's Name

Join us for delicious gallettes and sparkling cider as we aspire to becoming a “king for the day”, as we celebrate the family tradition of the L’Epiphanie. Join us at the Alliance Center at 2PM. Reserve by phone 203-707-0710, or return email. $5 cost payable at the door.

RSVP by January 7.

Cost per person: $5


Fellow Francophones gathered to celebrate winter with a glass of cidre and a freshly prepared crepe made by our expert chef, Rich Stoops.

There are many different traditions that surround the holiday of the Chandeleur. Though La Chandeleur is often associated with the Catholic holiday Candlemas, the lighting of candles, it actually comes from pagan traditions. Some say Chandeleur celebrates the return of sunny days in the winter, compared to our celebration of Ground Hog Day, the crepes symbolizing the sun, others believe that using flour left over from the harvest ensures prosperity in the coming year.

There is also the traditional coin ritual: if you flip a crepe while holding a coin in the other hand, you and your family will not have to worry about financial difficulties.

Special thanks to Micheline for hosting this delightful winter’s day.

Click here for a look back at our event.


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