
Celebration of “Les Rois”, Epiphany or Kings’ Day. Traditionally a “galette” is served, accompanied by sparkling wine or cider. A token is hidden in the galette. The lucky winner of the token is King or Queen for the day.
This will take place at the Alliance Center, 1 Pomperaug Office Park, suite 301 in Southbury.
Saturday, January 7 from 3 to 5 pm
Cost is $5 payable at the door.
Attendance limited to 24, please reserve by January 4.

Join us for delicious gallettes and sparkling cider as we aspire to becoming a “king for the day”, as we celebrate the family tradition of the L’Epiphanie. Join us at the Alliance Center at 2PM. Reserve by phone 203-707-0710, or return email. $5 cost payable at the door.

RSVP by January 7.

Cost per person: $5



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